Here we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you still have some doubts or problems, please contact us directly via a plethora of communication channels.
The list of payment methods is constantly growing to make payments easier for you. As of now, you can send us money via PayPal (manually), pay by credit card, or use cryptocurrency.
Yes. Please contact our support for more details.
You will be able to download the list right after the payment has been successfully processed on the processing page and through the email you provided.
Don’t worry, after the payment is processed, we will send you an email with a link to download.
Yes, please contact us using this email: [email protected]
We verify the current addresses using NCOA. Each email address is unique, verified, and owned by the person as well as a phone number which has more than 96% deliverability. All of the criteria are undergoing verification from many sources to ensure that each lead you buy from us will be able to provide the best possible value.
Of course! After you make a purchase, you license that data from us, forever.
We are super loyal to our customers. You can contact us and sort it out, and we can help you choose the best options. We can help give you the data within your last purchase or even refund you!
There are tons of efficient uses for our leads. To name just a few: reaching potential customers with high chances of success, recruiting the best employees out there, getting your desired job, or even finding a great business partner. Target the right people via the lookalike feature on Google or Facebook, effectively saving a big chunk of your budget and much, much more.
Please contact us! We have a policy that lets you get a better price at a price-match guarantee.
Of course, we offer great API functionality to integrate our database. Please contact us for details.
If your data is up to date, has great value, and you have all the rights to use and sell it, don't hesitate and contact us.
Simple answer: No.